Thursday, June 28, 2012

DIY Fringe Shirt

I have been seeing the fringe shirts more and more lately, and decided to save money and make one myself. Here's a step-by-step guide to making your very own! 

First, find an old t-shirt. I purchased this one (Adult sixe small) at Michael's Craft Store for $2. 
Lay t-shirt out on a smooth, flat surface. 

Cut the hem off of the bottom of the shirt, straight across. Do the same to the sleeves, if you like. I cut about an inch off of mine, but after i tried it on, i decided to take off a little more. Cut it to how you like! 
Cut the neckline, starting from the middle of one shoulder and following the path of the collar to the middle of the other shoulder. This will give it that 80's off the shoulder look. 

Use something with a straight edge (a ruler would be better, but i didn't have one!) holding the bottom of the shirt taut, begin cutting strips in the shirt from the bottom hem up to your straight edge. They do not have to be the perfect width each time, as they will roll up a bit after you wear it. Continue cutting all the way across. 

This was my finished product, but when I tried it on, I decided i didn't make the fringes long enough for my liking. I went back and cut the fringes longer, and had them go up in length on an angle to give it a more funky look. Play with it as you go to get the perfect look. Happy Crafting! 

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